Colored Pencil Powder Blender




Colored Pencil Powder Blender (14 gr jar with sifter)

Non-toxic, archival dry lubricant for colored pencil medium that allows artist to blend colors without the use of solvents.
Works remarkably well on rigid toothy surfaces, such as sanded papers or toothy gessoes.
Performs best with oil-based colored pencils. However, can be used with wax-based pencils as well, when pretreating the surface for subsequent pencil application.
Apply with sponges or short bristle brushes.
Powder Blender makes the colored pencil medium completely adjustable/correctible/erasable.
Secure application with ACP Final or Textured Fixatives.
List of readymade surfaces that work best with Powder Blender

Fisher 400
UArt 500, 600, 800 grit
Ampersand Museum Series Panel Pastelbord
Canson Mi-Teintes Touch Sanded Paper
Richerson’s Premium Pastel Surface
Art Spectrum Colourfix Supertooth
Pastel Premier Sanded Paper